Four of ten (42.1%) of our Taos County high school kids are drinking.
Almost one in five (18.8%) of our middle school kids is drinking, about double the state rate.
How do they get it? Adults and older teens are giving it to them, setting them up for future problems with alcohol.
Four of ten (40%) kids who drink before the age of 15 will develop Alcohol Use Disorder in their lifetime.
The human brain is not fully developed until age 25.
Teens who delay using alcohol beyond age 15 experience fewer problems with alcohol as they age.
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Taos Alive ↠Rocky Mountain Youth Corps ↠Vida del Norte
Taos Pueblo Awareness Coalition Team ↠Town of Taos
Recovery-Friendly Taos ↠NM Counterdrug Task Force
1.NM YRRS, NM Dept of Health www.youthrisk.org March 2021
2.NIAAA, Age of Drinking Onset Predicts Future Alcohol Abuse and Dependence 1998
3.Pfefferbaum, A.; Kwon, D.; Brumback, T.; et al. Altered brain developmental trajectories in adolescents after initiating drinking.
American Journal of Psychiatry 175(4):370–380, 2018. PMID: 29084454